20 Inspiring Architectural Practices to Follow on Instagram in 2023
20 Inspiring Architectural Practices to Follow on Instagram in 2023
List by Igor Grushko, Editor: Kateryna Suzina
We've picked 20 architects and architecture teams, big and small, from different places around the globe, some more practical, some more theoretical, all innovative, full of new ideas and super inspiring (in our humble opinion). Hopefully you will enjoy this list as much as we've enjoyed preparing it.
1. Valerio Olgiati
Location in the world: Flims, SwitzerlandInstagram: instagram.com/valerioolgiati
Web site: olgiati.net

2. Fala Atelier
Location in the world: Porto, PortugalInstagram: instagram.com/fala.atelier
Web site: falaatelier.com

Instagram: instagram.com/buchnerbrundler
Web site: bbarc.ch/

Instagram: instagram.com/leopoldbanchini
Web site: leopoldbanchini.com/

5. Igual&Guggenheim
Location in the world: Zurich, SwitzerlandInstagram: instagram.com/igualguggenheim
Web site: igualguggenheim.ch

6. Monadnock Architects
Location in the world: Rome, ItalyInstagram: instagram.com/monadnock.architects
Web site: monadnock.nl

7. Biga
Location in the world: Barcelona, SpainInstagram: instagram.com/estudi_biga
Web site: biga.cat

8. 51N4E
Instagram: instagram.com/51n4e
Web site: 51n4e.com

9. Kosmos Architects
Location in the world: Zurich, Graz, New York and MoscowInstagram: instagram.com/kosmos_architects
Web site: k-s-m-s.com
10. Grau Architects
Location in the world: Bratislava, SlovakiaInstagram: instagram.com/grauarchitects
Web site: grau.sk
11. Point Supreme
Instagram: instagram.com/pointsupreme
Web site: pointsupreme.com
12. HHF Architects
Location in the world: Basel, SwitzerlandInstagram: instagram.com/hhfarchitects
Web site: hhf.ch/
13. Plan Comun
Location in the world: Paris, FranceInstagram: instagram.com/plancomun
Web site: plancomun.com
Instagram: instagram.com/min.swiss
Web site: min.swiss

15. Raphael Zuber
Location in the world: Flims, SwitzerlandInstagram: instagram.com/raphaelzuber
Web site: raphaelzuber.com

16. 2A+P/A Associates
Location in the world: Rome, ItalyInstagram: instagram.com/2apassociates
Web site: 2ap.it

17. Dogma Architects
Location in the world: Brussels, BelgiumInstagram: instagram.com/dogma.name
Web site: dogma.name

18. Kemetic Blue
Location in the world: Rodez, FranceInstagram: instagram.com/kemeticblue
Web site: kemeticblue.bigcartel.com

19. Samir Alaoui Architectes
Location in the world: Lausanne, SwitzerlandInstagram: instagram.com/samiralaouiarchitectes
Web site: samiralaoui.ch/
20. HAIFA Architects
Location in the world: Haifa, IsraelInstagram: instagram.com/haifa_architects
Web site: haifa.love

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