15 Ukrainian Architectural Practices
15 Ukrainian Architectural Practices with Great Post Digital Collages
List by Igor Grushko, Editor: Kateryna Suzina
Almost a year ago, on February 24th Russian Army invaded a sovereign Ukraine.
We would like to support Ukraine and introduce a list of talented Ukrainian practices that’re using Post Digital Collage not only as a representation but also as a planning tool.
Some of the architects and designers below are also actively involved in protecting their country.
Join us in recognizing and honoring these talented guys by sharing this post.
1. Drozdov & Partners
Location in the world: Kharkiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/drozdovandpartners
Web site: drozdov-partners.com

2. Sulyk Architects
Location in the world: Lviv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/sulykarchitects
Web site: sulykarchitects.com
3. Anastasiia Oksiukovska
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/anastasiia.oksiukovska
Web site: readymag.com
4. A44 Studio
Location in the world: Lviv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/a44_studio
Web site: a44studio.com
5. M+A
Location in the world: Kyiv-Lviv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/matviishyn.architects
Web site: cargocollective.com

6. AER
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/aer.ua
Web site: aer.ua

7. Balbek Bureau
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/balbekbureau
Web site: balbek.com
8. Burø Design
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/buro.inst
Web site: buro.page

9. Emil Dervish
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/emildervish
Web site: emildervish.com

10. AKZ Architecture
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/akz_architectura
Web site: akz-architectura.com

11. Berezen Studio
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/berezenstudio
Web site: behance.net/berezenstudio
Berezen Studio, Cafe interior on the left bank of Kyiv
12. O.M.Shumelda
Location in the world: Lviv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/o.m.shumelda
Web site: design-lviv.com

13. Maly Krasota Design
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/malykrasotadesign
Web site: malykrasota.com

14. LIS Design
Location in the world: Lviv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/lisdesignstudio
Web site: lisdesign.studio
Location in the world: Kyiv, UkraineInstagram: instagram.com/forma_ua
Web site: formaarchitects.com
You can support and show your solidarity with the Ukrainian people by donating:
u24.gov.ua - Official Fundraising Platform of Ukraine
savelife.in.ua - “Come Back Alive” is a Foundation providing competent assistance to the military
mashafund.org.ua - Masha Fund is a public organization created to help women who have suffered from various forms of violence
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